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A Return to the SCA

I know this blog has been dormant for a very long time. Most of that time was because I had to step away from the SCA due to financial and personal reasons. I am now back and in some ways, I never left. I jumped right back into volunteering and try to take on more than I should. My husband stopped me for the most part, but almost pushed me into something new in the SCA. He said he did it so that I wouldn’t spend too much getting started. He is cute. (That didn’t stop me.) More on this later. I also spent three of the most recent years getting my bachelor’s in psychology at Portland State. Can I tell you how much fun it is to take your last term of college via zoom? Then finding out the morning of your birthday that sorry, due to covid, you do not get to march in the probably the most important event in your life since your kid was born? I really hope you felt that sarcasm because Covid sucks in so many ways.  In some ways, I feel, the SCA has benefited from the pandemic. While we c...

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