Change of time?

I have been VERY frustrated with my sewing and pattern making for Elizabethan garb. I also am annoyed that I started to be a voice herald after setting my persona in the time of corsets. They don't go the best together, especially not with asthma. Most Elizabethan garb takes lots of pieces, and takes some stretching to get into your garb unless you have someone to help you. Also doing morning cry and having to give yourself 30+ minutes to just dress yourself... Can you say 6 am sucks? And trust me, the "help" isn't up yet.

So, I have been thinking of making some earlier garb, cause let's face it, you can't go much later then 1560-70 in the SCA. I know I want to stay english and keep a time that is reasonable with my name. I love my name and I don't want to change it. So I was thinking of trying some early to late middle 1400s (Still researching what goes where). I have made a kirtle from that time period (my lite blue one for those that have seen it) that worked ok, but I had the support issue and learned from that one that I should tear to cut twill weave fabric. The lacings like to twist and not go up and down.

I really like the look of the garb. The court head gear with be hard to make, but I think easier. I know the "working" head gear is nice and easy to make, keeps my head and ears warm and fairly dry in wonderful An Tir/Pac NW weather. There are less curving seams that I have to deal with. Mostly straight and gussets.

Maybe later I will change back. But right now, I am too stressed out to keep working on the later garb. I need a break and something I can move in and not have to worry about how I can breath.

And for those wondering, yes, Mike/Will likes the men's garb that will go with mine. He likes the idea.

Here is a link to a collection of pictures to the look I will be going too.


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