A bit of news I had been hoping for.
It is with great pleasure that I have chosen to accept Constance Wyatt (Thats me!) as the next Town Crier Pursuivant. Because of an inability of her to get to May Crown, we will be looking at alternative events to dunk *err baptize* her.
HL Brendan ap Llewelyn-Lowenmahne Herald
And I have ANOTHER project to work on. The office doesn't have a Kingdom Tabard. So I have started to research period tabards with the help of Teceangl Bach, Ounce Herald, from which I will be making a tabard that looks nice being worn athwart and also hopefully normally. Here is what I am aiming for for now. I have written Black Lion to get her feedback on this since it is my hope that this tabard will be passed down to the next person to takes the office.
