So much has happened.

So in the past 2 moths, I have entered my first A&S (Arts and Science) competition with my bag, started my new job as Town Crier, got my AoA (Award of Arms*) and... Read on for that one. ;-)

I wasn't able to finnish the bag, so I just submitted the "patch" appliquéd to one piece of what will be the outer part of the bag. I was told I did well for my first time in this kind of competition, but what really got me was my documentation was very poor. If you haven't noticed already (the few that read this, lol), I am not a big writer. English was always my weakest subject. I have to say that I am very frustrated that even though I can give a great verbal presentation, and make great looking things keeping to period materials and construction, a very large part of the score is on the written. Now if I can get over my procrastination, and work on getting more of my process on here, I may be able to get the score up more. I don't see this as a bad thing. This is something that I know I can do. I have done this kind of writing before. It is just harder for me then for most, and I am so out of practice. I think the last time I did this kind of writing was my Sophomore and Junior year of High School, and let's just say it was more then 5 years ago. lol

My first day on the job was great! Except for the fact that I got to site with my voice already wanting to go and losing it before I was able do my first morning cry. THAT made me mad! I learned a lot about how to do my job. Like doing the first cry will give you a good idea of how many voice you will need to do the whole site in less then 30 minutes. This site took me about 35 minutes. Oi! It was well worth it. I was called up to received my AoA! Almost as soon as I got there, I started to cry. It was great! I was told by Her Majesty that I do a job she would never want to do. His Majesty said that what they also loved was that the people who wrote the letters for me said that not only do I do the job tirelessly, but also with joy, which is something they love more and want to see in everyone that serves. The bad thing about this, the tears killed the last little bit of voice I had left. It was DEAD! Oh well. As a friend put it, I am no longer peasant trash. lol. Now for my husband, William Mor, maker of great boxes and hard worker and last to leave a site so that he knows those we are camping with and others near by don't need any more help and I am writing Their Majesties again so he can get his AoA!

At July Coronation, I entered the Tourney Garb Competition. As the email asking for contests said "“Tourney Garb” means garb which is appropriate for your persona and which is durable and practical enough to withstand being worn at an S.C.A. camping event in An Tir. The costume entered can be for your regular persona or for any alternate persona you choose. The only person who can enter the costume is the person who made the costume. You can enter a costume you made for someone else, and have that person model the costume, but the maker must be the actual entrant. The costume is always judged “on the body” (not on a hanger). It doesn’t have to be on your body, but it does have to be on someone’s body." I entered the red kirtle and just that since I wasn't able to get the rest done. I didn't win the intermediate catagoire, I got my own!
Constance Wyatt- Best use of period materials! 1560-1570 English working class. She got an entire late period English working class outfit for herself out of less than 3 yards of linen! I believe she was also the only one to have written documentation, which isn’t mandatory but is certainly appreciated! Congratulations!
And that documentation was not much better then I had for the bag. For me, this was great! My first time putting my garb out there and even though the fit needed work, I was reward for me researching and finding out what what used in period. I was so jazzed and I am still buzzing over it.

*Notes: 1) Award of Arms - the lowest level of armigerous rank awarded by the Crown generally to those who have become recognized integrated participants in the Society. The Crown of An Tir has granted Principality Coronets the privilege of bestowing AA's to subjects of Their Principalities in the name of the Crown. Those who have achieved an Award level rank are given the title of Lord or Lady.


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