Another change in plan.

Sad to say, the dress is being put on hold since my husband and I are trying to get pregnant and I would rather put my energy into something that I can ware to 12th night in comfort and maybe Mike's garb. I am still planning on making the dress, but it is not on the top of my list. this way, I can take my time with all the parts. for now, it is a goal to ware it next year to 12th night.

I am also diving into the world of Heraldry. I have the voice, but I am starting to learn about the book part. I am really looking forward to learning about this, but I do have to say that this will be a second love. Costuming and all things that go with that (embroidery, weaving, etc) will be first and foremost my main goals in the SCA. I am looking forward to finding ways to do both and to have both intertwine. The nice thing is that I will always have something to do when I am waiting at heralds point. lol


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