Change in plan

Well, after doing some math, I have found out that it could cost me $100+ for the linen thread to embroider all those roses on the partlet. sorry, but I don't think I want to do that quite yet. I am still thinking about doing the rest of the dress, as is, and just not do the embroider until later.

I am also looking at some 15th century garb for 12th night for more comfy/"I can dress myself" stuff. last weekend, a new SCA friend, Niki, came over and help me make a pattern for the underdress/kirtle, that I hope to have it done but the shire's Ithra event in November. It is taking everything in me to not start it now, but I have to wait till I get the rest of the family in some good garb. After this weekend, I will start to figure out the next 3 dress, and start planning Mike's "Court" garb for 12th Night.


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