Finished it last night. So happy. Did the seams almost period. Where I cheated was on the main seam for one reason. I have this nice magnet that I can put on my sewing machine that helps me keep my seam allowance better.
Go here to see something like what I have. if you machine sew at all, GET ONE! They help a ton. Since I didn't trust me keeping the seam allowance, and for the bodice I need to keep the main seam just right, I machine stitched then hand sewed the raw edged down. I ended up messing up one of the seams so I ended up hand stitching that one. Later, I do plan on ripping out the machine stitching and hand finnish them
Then, once I got the main seams done, I realized something. If I double fold the edge of the garment, it would get very thick and I just didn't like that. So I reduced the edge seam allowance from 1" to .5". Later, since I am running out of time, I will sew some twill tape over the raw edges that are on the edges.
Next is adding the rings for lacing and pleat the skirt. Hope to have that done by tomorrow night. Have to also work on sleeves and a partlet. And if I still have time an over gown and finish up a doublet for Mike, my husband. Oh and the event is on the 14th, but we leave town on the 12th, and the 13th is a day out and about. I am getting very short on time, but I am so happy that I have gotten the bodice done. The rest should take me only a few hours-2 days. There will be work to do later, but I will worry about that later.