I know, I know. Long time since I have posted. Life has been.... well, life. 

I am not working on a dress right now (well I am, but that is more alterations). Right now, I am working on trying to make a purse, or sweetbag with my arms on it. Here is what I hope will be my final pattern. 
From Projects

Now this will be the 3rd time I have started it. The first 2 times, I printed my arms onto what I thought was dissolvable paper. After getting most of the lion outlined, I realised that I had it facing the wrong way, to sinister (see, I am learning). For those that don't know heraldry, that is a big enough deal that it would make them not my arms.  The second one was right, but after I got all the outlining done, I learned that, no it was not dissolvable paper, but tear away paper. Oh the fun to get it all out from between the small places on the lion. Not doing that again. That is why I drew it on the fabric this time.

I have been working on that for about a week now.
From Projects
I have realised that the blue is too dark, I don't like how the lion turned out, and the whole thing seems a bit to small. I also think I am using too big of thread for the fabric.
From Projects
I am using #8 DMC pearl cotton on I think is 32 count linen thread (and not that even for my likely). I may be 28 count though. If it is 28, I will be mad. I think after I am done with project, I will get some bigger weave to use up the thread I have still.

I have the new pattern on, for sure, 28 count, linen fabric, but I am rethinking what I want to use for the thread. I may go silk if I can get it for a good price that I can afford. If not, I am going to test it this time on a small piece of fabric to make sure that it isn't too big of thread. We will see. I do plan on posting progress time. Feel free to leave comments. 

What I am going for is something like the bags I have seen at the V&A. There are a few. Here are the links for the ones I like the best. Purse and Pin Cushion. Purse


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