Crown for the 21 century?

What I am about to say, may make the purest of SCA purest cry. But being someone who would have loved it if someone had thought of this earlier...

I am going to September Crown this weekend. Now I am a herald, but I think I will be taking my job to a level most would think isn't period, but still fitting. How many times have you been not able to go to a crown event because of money, illness or what not but have been chomping at the bit to find out who the hell won! Well, I think this will help. I will be bringing my phone to the event and I am able from one text to send a message to Twitter, Facebook and Live Journal. Cell phone coverage at this site isn't too bad so as soon as the final round is known, I will send out a note as to who is in the final rounds. When we know who won, I will send that post out too. I will then leave my phone on in my bag as I walk around doing town cry business, and once I hit a place where I have coverage, it will send. This worked at An Tir/West war and that had horrible coverage. I am also going to see about getting pics taken on my phone and how to post them to a Twitter site so that all can see them. No promise there, but I will try. On Twitter I am Adesinacat if you would like to follow me. Also, I have set up a group for An Tir Twitters if you would like to join . For everyone else that doesn't want to get onto any social networks (I understand, I was that way for a long time too), you can just check here on my blog. I have embedded my twitter feed on to my blog page. Look on the left hand edge. Sadly, all the posts get kinda mushed, but just start at the top and work your way down. If nothing has happened by 2 pm, I will post a FYI post. Can you tell I have been one of the people sitting at my computer trying to figure out what happened?


Anonymous said…
This is awesome. thank you for doing this! -Rauokinn

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